Online Courses

Hanyu Pinyin

In Chinese language education, Hanyu Pinyin is the common name to refer to the Romanized Chinese Phonetics system. Pinyin has become a tool for many foreigners to learn the Mandarin pronunciation.

Hanyu Pinyin
  1. Lesson 1 - Hanyu Pinyin (Demo)

    简(jiǎn)介(jiè) / Introduction

  2. Lesson 2 - Hanyu Pinyin

    韵(yùn)母(mǔ) / Vowels or Finals

  3. Lesson 3 - Hanyu Pinyin

    声(shēnɡ)母(mǔ)/ Consonants or Initials

  4. Lesson 4 - Hanyu Pinyin


  5. Lesson 5 - Hanyu Pinyin

    复(fù)习(xí) & 练(liàn)习(xí)/Review & Practice

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