Online Learning

Choose the Type of Membership

With Bronze, Silver, Gold or Diamond Membership you can fully access to all our Chinese Online Courses.

  • Basic

    Limited Access
    Limited to lessons marked with 'Demo'

    Ideal for learners who want to check out our Chinese Online sample Courses before purchase.

  • Bronze

    1 Month Access
    equivalent to $39/month

    Ideal for learners who want to check out specific Chinese Online Courses to improve their Chinese Language skill rapidly.

  • Silver

    3 Month Access
    equivalent to $23/month

    Ideal for Learners who want to take our comprehensive Chinese Online Courses to brush up their Chinese Language intensively.

  • Diamond

    12 Month Access
    equivalent to $13/month

    Ideal for learners who want to take our comprehensive Chinese Online Courses to refresh their Chinese Language frequently.