Online Courses

Intermediate Chinese Conversation

This course focuses on the Chinese Pinyin Romanization system, includes some very basic Chinese & English sentences translation. The purpose of this course is for students to speak Chinese at a internediate level.   

Intermediate Chinese Conversation
  1. Lesson 1: What is your hobby? (Demo)

    nǐ de ài hào shì shén me? 你 的 爱 好 是 什 么? / What is your hobby? 

  2. Lesson 2: We have guests for dinner tomorrow

    mínɡ tiān qǐnɡ kè 明 天 请 客/ We have guests for dinner tomorrow 

  3. Lesson 3: Take Airplane

    dā fēi jī 搭 飞 机/ Take Airplane

  4. Lesson 4: What is your occupation?

    nǐ de zhí yè shì shén me 你 的 职 业 是 什 么?/ What is your occupation?

  5. Lesson 5: I want to go to China

    wǒ yào qù zhōnɡ ɡuó 我 要 去 中 国/ I want to go to China

  6. Lesson 6 - Sightseeing

    lǚ yóu ɡuān ɡuānɡ 旅 游 观 光/ Sightseeing  

  7. Lesson 7: Singapore’s Weather

    xīn jiā pō de tiān qì 新 加 坡 的 天 气/ Singapore’s Weather 

  8. Lesson 8: I want to learn Chinese

    wǒ yào xué zhōnɡ wén 我 要 学 中 文/ I want to learn Chinese 

  9. ɡù shì 故 事 / Story (1)

    wū yā hē shuǐ 乌鸦喝水 

  10. ɡù shì 故 事 / Story (2)

    xiǎo mǎ ɡuò hé 小马过河 

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