Elementary Chinese Online Live Class

Course Details/ 课程大纲
儿歌(Nursery Rhymes/ Children Song)
流行歌曲(Pop Music)
绕口令(Tongue Twister)
肯定句(Positive sentence)/否定句(Negative Sentence)
汉语流行口语 (Popular Chinese Expression1-10))
量词(Measure Words)
汉字基本笔画(Basic Strokes of Chinese Characters)

This course is specially designed for beginning level learners, who are interested in learning the Basic Chinese Conversation. This course focuses on the Chinese Pinyin Romanization system. The purpose of this course is for students to speak at a basic level. 

Date/日期: 07/10/2014 - 09/12/2014
Time/时间: Every Tue 7pm-8:00pm
Fee/收费: Net $250/ (10 Lessons X 1hr), Materials fees are included, No GST & Registration fee. 

For inquiry, please email: info@blchinese.com, SMS: 81126758 Call:90620689 
For more information please visit our website: www.blchinese.com 

Learn Mandarin Chinese on Skype is another way of learning a language more effectively. For more information please visit: http://www.blchinese.com/online-learning/live-chinese-class-skype-teching.html

Limited seating (Max 4 each class), first come basis! 