How to play?
Start the game with “剪(jiǎn) 刀(dāo), 石(shí) 头(tóu), 布 (bù) / scissor, paper & stone” to decide who is the dealer. He or she will deal the cards to all the players who are participating in the game. All players will receive an equal number of cards. The dealer will start first, he or she will pick one card of any number and place it on the table, and call out the number in Chinese, saying “这(zhè) 是(shì) ____。/ This is ____. ” Then ask “你(nǐ) 有(yǒu) ____ 吗 (ma)? / Do you have ____ ?” Other players who has the same card will have to put it on top, and saying “我(wǒ) 有(yǒu) ____。/I have ____.” The player who has the same card will start the next round. The player who gets two of the same cards should put them down and saying “我(wǒ) 有(yǒu) 一(yí) 对(duì) ____/ I have one pair of ____.” The game continues until one player finishes all cards, and he or she would be the winner.
Game 2:
Shuffle the cards and lay them on the table facing downwards, 7 cards in 4 stacks. Start the game with “剪(jiǎn) 刀(dāo), 石(shí) 头(tóu), 布 (bù) / scissor, paper & stone” to decide the play order. The winner will start first, then the second winner... The first player opens the first card and saying “这(zhè) 是(shì) ____。 / This is ____.” then opens the second card and saying “那(nà) 是(shì)____。/ That is ____.” If a player turns over two cards that do not match, these cards are faced down and placed back to the same stacks and it becomes the next player’s turn. The player who gets two of the same cards should keep them and saying “我 (wǒ) 有(yǒu) 一(yí) 对(duì) ____/ I have one pair of ____.” Play the game in the decided order. The player who collects the most number of cards at the end of the game would be the winner.